If You Were An Engineer, What Would You Do?
We are excited to announce that we will be taking part in the ‘If you were an Engineer what would you do?’ Leaders Award competition this year.
The competition is for all children from EYFS to Year 6 and will be challenging pupils to identify a problem and design a creative solution to it and add a letter explaining why an engineer should choose to build it. As part of the competition, the children have had the opportunity to interview an engineer (a Lego Designer) to understand more about the problems they solve and the role they play in society. We also have further talks and interviews booked for after half term.
Every pupil that enters will have their idea read and graded by an engineer. All our pupils will receive certificates and shortlisted entries will be put forward to a panel where the best ideas will be celebrated at an awards event and public exhibition in the summer term. Whilst this is a national exhibition the awards and exhibitions are regional so you will be able to see the ideas from across the region.
One extraordinary part of the competition is that every year university teams choose an idea from the shortlisted entries to build!
The last date for entries to be submitted is Monday 18th March 2024.
Thinks to consider for your drawings and annotations
What are the main advantages of your design?
How do you think your design solves your initial problem?
Does your design meet the requirements of your target audience?
How do you think this could be made in real life?
What materials are used for your product? Is there a better material that could be used?
Have you considered the impact your product or the making of your product could have on the environment?
What are the limitations of your design?
What do you think you could put in place to make your design better?
How did you come up with this solution?
Do you feel confident enough to propose your solution to someone else?
When writing your letter
The letter is limited to one side of a4 and will be included with the design at the exhibition if chosen.. This is the pupil’s opportunity to explain; why their design is important, their thoughts behind their design choices, justification of their aim, materials, look, mechanisms, how suitable it is in solving the initial problem identified, and maybe most importantly, why their problem is one that needs to be solved
February Half Term Science Reading Challenge
This half term we are encouraging children to take part in a Science Reading Challenge.
There is a wealth of wonderful science books and information pages published for children, many of which have the potential to not only to extend our pupils’ knowledge and understanding, but also to excite their interest and imagination. We are hoping that this reading challenge will also encourage children to read a range of non-fiction texts rather than always choosing fictional stories texts. We want children to increase children’s attitudes towards science and science books and help to show then that science reading can be interesting and fun!
Studies have show that the benefits for children from reading science information books and science-rich story books are:
- the learning of science information and ideas, with real-life examples which raise pupils’ awareness of the wider reach of science
- the learning of science skills and of what it means to ‘work scientifically’ as many books include practical examples and suggestions for investigations
- the learning of skills through science, particularly those related to literacy and 21st century skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity
- promoting an interest in science and fuelling curiosity and a sense of wonder
- increasing the possibility that children will continue to engage with science beyond school.
Each child has been given a Science Reading Booklet to take home. Completed booklets should be brought back to school after half term. All children who take part will receive a certificate and will also be entered into a prize draw to win a science prize!
Art and Science Competition
The Explorify Art Competition invites children to create their own Start With Art artwork. Start With Art offers a fresh type of Explorify activity, bringing together Science and Art. Curiosity and creativity are qualities that both scientists and artists share - whatever their age.
They could draw or paint a picture, make a model or a sculpture, create a collage, design a print, take a photograph… whatever they choose. Our aim has been to showcase art created by a diverse group of artists. So long as the artwork can be displayed as a single image – whether it’s a photograph, installation, sculpture, or painting – it can be included.
Whatever the children create, they should be able to explain the science learning that is ‘hidden’ in their artwork. They might want to create something linked to a current or previous science topic they have learnt in school. Competition entries must be accompanied by a short paragraph (up to 150 words) that explains the science behind the artwork.
The winning works of art will each be made into a new Start With Art activity that will be published on the Explorify site, ready to be used by more than 100,000 teachers with their classes of children in schools around the world. The winners will also receive a £50 book token.
There are two age categories:
- 7 and under (at the start of the Autumn term 2023),
- 8 (at the start of the Autumn term 2023) to 12 (at the end of the summer term 2024).
The children have until the end of the Spring Term to bring in their designs. Please can entries be brought into school no later than Monday 25th March 2024.