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Year 1


This week in Year 1, we have been learning a new story as part of our English topic. We have really enjoyed reading and retelling the brilliant story, ‘The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me’, written by Roald Dahl. Next week, we will be innovating and writing our own version of the story to include our own characters! We have also been busy conducting an experiment in science. We have been learning all about absorption and how much water different types of material can absorb and hold. In groups, we experimented with 5 different types of paper, ranging from tissues, kitchen towel and paper you dry your hands with. The children were very accurate when it came to measuring the water levels in their cups before and after putting their paper item in the water. In our next science lesson, we will be recording our results. In Geography, we have been focussing on human and physical features of France, particularly Paris. The children found this very interesting and enjoyed the debate of whether a farm and forest can be both physical and human features. We also had a quick French lesson and learnt a few French phrases! 


Year 1 have been busy as always. We have already completed our big write for our own versions of the ‘Three Little Pigs Story’ and have now moved on to learning all about non-chronological reports. Our reports are all about France! This week in maths, we have been focussing on multiplication using arrays and division. The children have really enjoyed using different equipment to show their working.  

In science, we have been learning all about materials and their different properties. The children have explored what different types of materials toys can be made of, and thought like scientists to answer questions such as:  

‘Can you have a chocolate teapot?’.  

We were all very excited to be exploring different toys and writing down ideas we had about what they were made of.  


We have enjoyed our first week back in Year 1 and have enjoyed learning about the new topics we will be learning this term. This week in DT we have started to look at mechanisms. We learnt what a mechanism is and how they work and saw a few examples of these. We then tried to make our own sliding mechanism of a car driving along the road. It was a bit tricky to begin with but most of use managed to complete it and were amazed that they worked! 


WB 5.11.24

In Geography, we have started our topic all about the USA. The children completed the most amazing home learning projects over half term, which we loved looking at and sharing, providing some great excitement and knowledge for this topic. In Art, we have launched our new topic of Surrealism- researching some famous Surrealist artists and looking at some of their famous work. We tried to recreate some of their famous work using oil pastel and watercolours. Salvador Dali’s ‘Persistence of Memory’ was also the inspiration for our creative writing unit last week, where we imagined ourselves waking up in the scene and describing what we could see. We left our reader on an exciting cliffhanger too- some of us began to melt like the clocks in the picture!

WB 23.09.24

Year 1 have been learning lots of counting and subtracting strategies this week. They have been Maths Whizzes! In class they have been learning how to find one less and one more of a given number using their mental maths skills or resources to support them (multi-link, cubes and number lines). They have also been learning how to add and subtract using pictures and objects, aswell as, how to add and subtract number sentences on a number line. This can be a tricky skill to master but they are working really hard. Well done Year 1! Once the children have mastered the skills or strategy taught, we are pushing their learning forward by getting them to reason and problem solve.   

WB 13.9.24

Year 1 have settled into their new classes now and are starting to grasp their daily routines.  

They have been working hard like superstars this week! In English, they have been looking at the story This is the Bear and innovating their own version, thinking about important features of a story such as the language, a beginning, middle and end and thinking about ways to describe interesting characters in the story.  
