Citizenship Award Challenge 5 - Community Link
Become a Care Home Friend
• Research our local care home Leatherland Lodge and create an information mindmap/poster
• Write and design an image on a postcard to someone at the care home.
This is your chance to say hello to someone living in a care home and tell them that you are writing to brighten up their day. You could start by telling them a bit about yourself. You could also explain what’s on the front of the card and why it’s special to you. Make sure to leave space on the right for the care home address (Mrs Nye will send these for you!)
Challenge 4: Growing
Well done to the following children who completed this half term's challenge:
Amelia R - 2S
Edward D - 4N
James D - RPY
Eliana D - 4M
Albert B - 3M
Evangeline P - 1B
Ava G - 1B
Mia G - 1K
Adrian - 4N
Veda - RL
Evelyn - 2S
Eva - 4M
Drew - 3M
A big well done to our Citizens of the half term, Edward and James who worked together on their entry.
Edward and James chose a jubilee themed cress head. Edward made a queen's guard and James the Queen herself.
They then enjoyed yummy egg cress sandwiches for tea with the harvested cress.
Challenge 3: Hosting
Challenge Update:
Well done to the following children:
Veda - who made a list of all the ingredients for her menu and shopped for ingredients that were not in the cupboards ro fridge at home already. Veda made pizza in a bowl (Kular's kitchen recipe), Tortilla bowls and microwave mug cake good food recipe). The whole family enjoyed Guess Who and Connect 4 after dinner too!
Adela - who designed her own three course meal which included an 'ice cream special' for dessert as well as playing games and spring ball in the garden
Evelyn - who made a chicken and prawn stir fry. She wrote down the ingredients and recipe and was a great chef in the kitchen.
Edward and James - who planned and helped cook a Mother's Day BBQ as well enjoying a walk in the park and playing Just Dance.
Sofia - who cooked a delicious pasta dish and played games with her sister.
Freya - who cooked garlic bread, spagaehtti bolognese finished off with ice cream. She wrote her shopping list and helped buy the food with mum. The family enjoyed a games evening finished off with dancing.
Talia - who foraged some wild garlic and used this in her pasta dish and had fun playing twister.
Joshua - who cooked his own pizza and wedges and enjoyed playing twister and a target board game.
A huge well done to our Citizen of the Month - Archie in Year 1. He hosted a ‘minecraft’ themed evening by making invitations and drawing pictures. He wrote a shopping list of all the ingredients we needed to purchase from the supermarket so as we could make a cake! He invited nanny over to join us. Archie provided an evening of entertainment too!
Challenge 2: Environment
This half term we have teamed up with the Eco Club to launch the second Citizenship Challenge!
In order to achieve this month’s citizenship award you will need to show that you have helped the environment over a period of time. You will have 4 weeks to document what you have been doing every day/ week and submit your evidence as a picture collage with details on what you have. You could choose to focus on one area of caring for the environment or you could complete a number of different things consistently each week. Remember – it mustn't’ just be a one off!
Challenge Update:
Well done to the following pupils who took part in the Citizenship Award this half term.
Veda - Year R - Veda has been completing activities towards caring for the environment and saving the planet. She has been ensuring the doors are shut to keep the heat in the room reducing the need to use the radiators; she has been taking her own bag to the shops; saving electricity by switching off the lights; saving water by turning off the taps when brushing her teeth; reducing her meat intake so that 80% of her diet is vegetarian and has been helping to reduce pollution by walking to school and to places that are nearby.
Archie A - Year 1 - Archie has been using his scooter or bike to travel around rather than taking the car. A huge round of applause for actively scootering to school everyday since January! He has certainly cared for our environment by helping to reduce pollution!
Eliana D - Year 4 - Eliana has engaged with many activities to care for the environment this half term and has also helped score lots of points in the Planet Super League. Eliana has been recycling and upcycling clothing, eating meat-free meals and has made some easy swaps to reduce plastic like using bars of soap and refilling her water bottle rather than buy new plastic ones. Eliana is also our citizen of the of the half term!
Additionally, an extra special mention the these three children as this is also the second citizenship challenge they have completed. They are firmly on their way to collecting all the challenge certificates for the year!
Challenge 1: Charity
Take part in a charity event. How you choose to do this challenge, is up to you! It may be a charity or cause that is close to your heart, or it might be a charity that you
want to find out more about. Perhaps you could:
Donate toys/clothes/books
Raise money
Help/ volunteer
End of Challenge Update:
A huge congratulations to all children who took part in the Citizenship Award Challenge this half term.
Archie, Evelyn, Amelia, Veda, Edward, James, Ireoluwa, Ogooluwa, Elliott, Eliana, Drew, Sophia, Tyler and Amelia.
Mrs Nye and Mrs Kular were so impressed with the caring, thoughtful and generous charitable acts that children did such as donating clothes and toys to charity shops, raising money for Children in Need, swimming lengths of a pool in scuba diving equipment, using their own money to buy present for children in need at Christmas, donating their own toys to make a special Christmas parcel for a child in need, buying and taking food to a homeless charity and the foodbank and donating food tokens to local community projects.
A special well done to Elliott Larner who achieved the Citizenship Badge this half term. What started as a litter pick to raise awareness for the RSPCA and to clean up his local area soon turned into 3 weekends worth of litter picks and fundraising! He also spread a little Christmas cheer each week by dressing up as Santa to complete his litter pick! Details | rspca.org.uk