Dilkes School was opened in 1952 to serve a Greater London Council housing estate which was being developed in the Belhus Park area. Initially, the building housed separate Infant and Junior schools, but these were amalgamated into a primary school in September 1977. In addition, a nursery class was established in 1973. We therefore cater for children from the ages of three to eleven. In 2010 we opened a special resource provision called Dilkes PLC (Personalised Learning Centre) to cater for 10 pupils with Special Educational Needs (classified as behaviour, emotional and social). In December 2012, the school converted to academy status.
The school buildings are spaciously designed with corridors leading to individual classrooms, ten of which are on the ground floor, and four on the upper floor. There is an assembly hall equipped for physical education, two dining halls and a kitchen. Facilities also include an ICT suite, library, teaching areas, kitchens, offices and generous storage space. The school is well equipped with computers in each classroom, iPads and interactive white boards. The school also has a wide range of PE and games equipment.
Dilkes Academy is pleasantly situated with adequate playgrounds and spacious playing fields, which include a football pitch and a cricket strip. Parks are not far from the school. Road networks, bridges, tunnels and the nearby villages of South Ockendon and Aveley provide excellent resources for learning. A shopping centre, library, swimming pool and sports facilities are also within easy reach of the school. London, with its museums and historic buildings, and the farms and zoos of Essex and Kent also provide a wide variety of places to visit.
Dilkes Academy had very a successful Ofsted inspection in April 2012. The school was graded Outstanding in all categories and has sustained this very good performance since then. A copy of the latest full report or the summary is available on request, and can be accessed on line at